Molto semplice, è la versione base e consente una autonomia
piuttosto limitata. Non comporta alcuna installazione fissa e consiste in un powerpack da 5000/20000 mAh da ricaricare ogni 3 giorni circa. Durante le brevi
fermate potrà essere sostituito da un comune caricatore USB- 5V-2.5A che andrà
ad alimentare un hub USB al quale si potranno collegare fino a quattro
dispositivi USB contemporaneamente.
TYPE A [BASIC: operating time 3 days approx]
Very simple, it represents the basic version and allows an operating time rather limited. It doesn’t involve any fixed installation and consists of a 5000 to 20000 mAh powerpack to be recharged approximately every 3 days. During your short stops it might be replaced by a common USB- 5V-2.5A charger which will be wired-up to an USB hub to which you can connect up to four USB devices simultaneously.
Very simple, it represents the basic version and allows an operating time rather limited. It doesn’t involve any fixed installation and consists of a 5000 to 20000 mAh powerpack to be recharged approximately every 3 days. During your short stops it might be replaced by a common USB- 5V-2.5A charger which will be wired-up to an USB hub to which you can connect up to four USB devices simultaneously.
E’ l’evoluzione della configurazione precedente a cui è
stata aggiunta una dinamo con relativo convertitore. Questo consentirà di tenere costantemente carichi,
indipendentemente dal powerpack, un cellulare e un gps. E’ ovviamente una soluzione più onerosa della precedente e
introduce un minimo di complessità circuitale che richiede una certa
predisposizione a collegamenti vari e possibili riparazioni. La maggiore complessità è tuttavia accompagnata da una
autonomia stimabile in 5 giorni.
TYPE B [ASSISTED: operating time 5 days approx]
Basically an enhancement over the previous configuration to which it has been added a dynamo with relevant converter. This system will allow you to constantly charge, regardless of the powerpack, a cell phone and a GPS. Obviously it’s a bit more costly solution and introduces a minimum of circuit complexity that requires a certain predisposition to various connections and possible repairs on travel. The increased complexity is however accompanied by an estimated autonomy of 5 days.
Basically an enhancement over the previous configuration to which it has been added a dynamo with relevant converter. This system will allow you to constantly charge, regardless of the powerpack, a cell phone and a GPS. Obviously it’s a bit more costly solution and introduces a minimum of circuit complexity that requires a certain predisposition to various connections and possible repairs on travel. The increased complexity is however accompanied by an estimated autonomy of 5 days.
E’ l’evoluzione della configurazione precedente dove la
batteria da 5000-20000 mAh è stata sostituita da un CHARGER con batteria
interna da 20000-40000 mAh con due uscite indipendenti, una compatibile USB da
5V ed un’altra a tensione variabile fino a 24V in grado quindi di alimentare
laptop, macchine fotografiche, ecc..
TYPE C [ROBUST: operating time 10 days approx]
Basically an evolution of the previous configuration where the 5000-20000 mAh battery has been replaced by a CHARGER with 20000-40000 mAh internal battery with two independent outputs, a 5V-USB output and a second one up to 24V capable of powering laptops, cameras, etc. ..
Basically an evolution of the previous configuration where the 5000-20000 mAh battery has been replaced by a CHARGER with 20000-40000 mAh internal battery with two independent outputs, a 5V-USB output and a second one up to 24V capable of powering laptops, cameras, etc. ..
E’ l’evoluzione della configurazione precedente a cui è stato aggiunto un pannello solare da 10-20Wp che andrà direttamente collegato al
CHARGER già predisposto in questo caso con proprio “inseguitore” che andrà ad
ottimizzare il processo di carica.